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What apps will you need to run your Teacher Pay Teachers store?

Starting a teachers pay teachers store and you do not know how to edit that picture that you need for your product?, maybe you need to create a gif to put it as a banner for your store or you need to edit a short video explaining how one of your bundle works? Well, been there, and on this post I would like to share with you the apps that I use to run my teachers pay teachers store. I would like to say though that I have not been paid to write this post, I have not even paid for a premium account here so this is just me wanting to share my one year experience with you. If you like to ask me questions about these apps or about my store you can send me a message to my instagram account and I will be happy to help you!


And the first app that I love and that helps me tons while creating a product on teachers pay teachers is affinity designer. Affinity designer helps me with the creation of my thumbnails and any other type of picture that one small entrepreneur needs for youtube, instagram or any other social network. The programs of affinity are a one time purchase and they are very affordable! Let's say that you can compare it to Adobe illustrator but affinity is not a suscription based program. You can take a look at their webpage here. They always have amazing sales and without a doubt all their apps are an amazing investment for your store, so you can develop pictures with more quality and stop using other apps that actually do not help much and make you waste your time.


I tried many other programs to edit videos but nothing compares to Adobe premiere pro. It is fast, efficient and easy to use, no matter what other people say about it, adobe premiere pro is the program that stands out when talking about editing videos. If you need to create your gifs for your banners this program will help you do that in minutes. You can take a look at the gif that I created for my store using premiere pro. This is a subscription based application and you will have to pay for it monthly :( that is the sad part. But it is quite affordable, only 21 dollars a month.

These are the apps that I use to run my store on TPT. They have been a great investment and there are lots of tutorials out there on youtube to learn how to operate them. Running a store on this online platform is not an easy job and I am constantly looking for ways to improve, all I can say is that you also will need to invest a lot of your time. I will be happy to help if you have any questions.

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