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What should we teach in our first Spanish class?

Before learning the grammar, and all the official stuff about a language it is good to memorize some questions or phrases that can help our students communicate with other people on a daily basis. What if they are in that country where Spanish is spoken and they do not even know how to say or ask to someone else a simple: how are you? Well, in this post I will show you a few sentences, phrases and vocabulary that you can use in your first lesson with your students learning Spanish and that will help them survive in this language. Here we go:

1 Hi, How are you= hola, ¿Qué tal/ hola, Cómo estas?

answer/ phrase= Muy bien ¿y tú?

(very good and you?)

2 what's your name= ¿Cómo te llamas?/ ¿Cuál es tu nombre?

answer/phrase= Me llamo Julio/ Mi nombre es Julio

(i am Julio/my name is Julio)

3 How old are you?= ¿Cuántos años tienes?/¿Qué edad tienes?

answer/phrase= Tengo ocho años

(i am 8 years old)

4 Where are you from? = ¿De dónde eres?

answer/phrase= Soy de España

(i am from Spain)

5 Do you speak Spanish, English, Italian, French, Arabic, Chinese...?

Answer/phrase: Si, Hablo Español, Inglés, Italiano, Francés, Chino.

(yes, i speak...)

6 Where do you live= ¿Dónde Vives?

answer/phrase= Vivo en el centro/ en un apartamento/ en New York

(I live downtown/ in an apartment/ in New York)

7 What do you do?= ¿Cuál es tu profesión?

answer/phrase= Soy un estudiante/ doctor/architect/ nurse...

(i am a student/doctor/arquitecto/enfermera)

8 What are your hobbies?= ¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos?

answer/phrase= Me gusta nadar/pintar/leer/cocinar/hacer deporte/play the guitar

(i like to swim/paint/read/cook/do sports/tocar la guitarra)

9 Are you married or single?= ¿Eres casado/a o soltero/a? answer/phrase= Soy casado/a-soltero/a (i am...) 10 What is your favourite food/music? =¿Cuál es tu comida/música favorita? answer/phrase= Mi comida/música favorita es... (my favourite food/music is...)

Other useful phrases

Useful phrases with verb Tener Tengo Hambre= I am hungry Tengo sed= I am thristy Tengo Sueño= I am sleepy Hope these questions and phrases help you develop a great lesson plan on your first day as a Spanish teacher. You can use these phrases and make conversational tasks or evaluations that will help you know if your students have really acquired these new words. If you are wondering how much Spanish your students know and you are looking for fast, editable and ready to use evaluation please take a look at some of the evaluations I have developed to know on my first day of class what actually my Spanish students know. Through this Spanish 1 assessment bundle you will be able to take a deeper look into your students knowledge of vocabulary and grammar of this language.

This bundle contains the following assessments that you can check out on my teachers pay teachers store Spanish Guacamaya

Thank you for your visit!

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